How can we be reached?

Do you have questions regarding our online product information, need a quote or other questions? We would love to help you! Feel free to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form on this page.

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Get in touch!

Do you have questions about our production of flexible packaging or film, want information on what would be a great solution for you, or have another question? We’d be happy to help! Please submit your question and contact information by filling in the fields below or call us at 0031 (0)416-358100.

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The OPACKGROUP is the operational holding company of the seven packaging manufacturers in the group. Through this organisation, we pool our knowledge and expertise concerning coordination and complicated projects , combining the power of the subsidiary companies in an optimal way.

If you have any questions for the OPACKGROUP, you can find the team of professionals who can assist you right here:

contact persons
CEO/DGA Joan Hanegraaf
technical director Johan Kranenbroek
CFO Joost Machielsen
finance & HR Gerard Colijn
sales & marketing director Merijn Bos
sustainability director Rob Verhagen
strategic buyer Ronald Verbeek
HR director Nikki van Gorkom
OTC, R&D manager Rob van der Bruggen
IT manager Pieter van der Velden
KAM coördinator Therèse van Vuren
strategic buyer André de Graaff
corporate brand manager Peter Vos
marketing & communication Carin van Herwijnen
corporate recruiter Mariëlle Vogelzang
ORC manager Pieter Molenaar
manager production innovation Tom Clarke

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